Todd A. Morris, CLU, ChFC


My mission is to provide clients with individualized solutions in the areas of estate, business, retirement and investment planning.

I was fortunate enough to get my start in the business with Northwestern National Life (NWNL) out of Minneapolis, Minnesota.  The president at that time was a gentleman named John Pillsbury of the original Pillsbury family.  His philosophy at the time was that many small business owners, farmers and high net worth people needed help in advanced planning areas but were either unwilling or unable to access the help they needed.  Bringing together the legal, tax, insurance and investment disciplines in a coordinated effort was lacking.  That was where I was trained.

In 1976 there was a major estate tax law passed that made virtually every estate plan either obsolete or in major need of revision.  NWNL and Meredith Corporation (Successful Farming Magazine) formed a joint effort to offer a free estate analysis to their subscribers.  Our branch, out of Omaha, covered Iowa and Nebraska and had literally hundreds of replies from farm families.  This created the necessity to find and network with many Attorneys and CPAs.  These were our first experiences with trusts, corporations, different titles to different types of property and how they work in the estate of a client.

This was our beginning. 

NWNL eventually disbanded the career agency system in favor of the brokerage business, meaning one day we had offices supplied by them on 90th and Dodge (Italian marble floors and the whole nine yards) to "you're out on your own".  This was when we created Midwest Capital, Inc., the best thing that ever happened to my business. 

I received my CLU (chartered life underwriter) and my ChFC (chartered financial consultant) from the Society of Financial Service Professionals and am a member of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors.  In addition, I am a registered securities Principal with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. 

My wife Carolyn and I have three daughters and five grandchildren.  When I'm not working in my apple orchard I enjoy reading, hunting, fly fishing, and golf.

As Co-Founder of Midwest Capital, Inc., I take pride in the many long-standing relationships we have established with our clients, their families and other professionals.

Phone (402) 571-1505
Fax (402) 571-0673